2009-2010 Session

Informational Hearing – The Department of Public Health’s Implementation of Hospital Patient Safety Measures

 Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Informational Hearing: The Subject of AB 950 (Hernandez): Licensed Hospice Facilities

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Joint Informational Hearing: Senate and Assembly Health Committees: Implementation of Federal Health Care Reform

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Food and Beverages:  Strategies to Recoup the Health Costs of Excessive Sugar Consumption

April 20, 2010

Informational Hearing: The Status of Hospitals’ Compliance with Seismic Safety Deadlines

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Informational Hearing: New Approaches in the Care and Treatment of Persons with Brain Injury

January 13, 2010

Informational Hearing: Developing California's Health IT Infrastructure and the Potential to Improve Patient Care

January 6, 2010

Informational Hearing: Redesigning California’s Medi-Cal Program: Examining the Potential for Cost Savings and Program Improvements

November 18, 2009

Joint Informational Hearing:  Senate Select Committee on Obesity and Diabetes and the Senate Health Committee: Exploring the Link Between Sugar-Sweetened Drinks and Obseity

November 5, 2009

Joint Informational Hearing:  Senate Committees on Education and Health, Senate Select Committee on Disaster & Emergency Response, Joint Committee on Emergency Management: Selected Public Health Resources on H1N1 

August 27, 2009

Joint Informational Hearing:  Medi-Cal Reimbursements and Outpatient Procedures: Impact on Children's Health

April, 1, 2009

Informational Hearing: Health Information Technology: Current Trends, Future Opportunities

March 13, 2009

Healthcare Work Force 

March 4, 2009

Informational Hearing Ooutlook for Health Care Reform

 February 25, 2009